ASSALAMUALAIKUM W.B.T. Based on the series of activities organized by the KDOJ/KLG residential committee, we are pleased to announce the opening of registration for talented individuals who are skilled in…
September 26-28, 2024, The Residential College of Dato’ Onn Jaafar (KDOJ) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) played a key role in the International Conference on Science, Engineering, and Information Technology…
Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera, With all due respect refer to the above. Basically, accomodation for new postgraduate students session 2024/2025 is not provided. Therefore, it is the responsibility of students to find and manage their accommodation outside the University. …
12 September,Deligasi Antarabangsa: UTM-UMRAH– Pengenalan UTM– Pengenalan UMRAH– Penerangan program KDOJ12 September, Tanjung Riau, Indonesia – Kolej Dato’ Onn Jaafar, UTM telah melaksanakan deligasi antarabangsa UTM- UMRAH melibatkan 2 pensyarah…
The official name of the stamp is the “Johore 10 Cents Tiger and Sultan” stamp. This particular stamp is part of a series known as the “Tiger” issue from Johore,…
Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera, This is an important annoucemnt from the KDOJ management to all students. With all due respect, the matter above is referred to. 2. Attached herewith is…