
Exams can cause stress and anxiety, especially if you procrastinate by watching YouTube videos instead of studying. But don't worry; with these last-minute study tips, you can still save your grades.
Skip the questions and copy the answers.
One effective study method is to skip the questions and copy the answers. This entails reviewing previous year papers or sample questions and writing down the bullet points or answers from the marking scheme. Only consult your textbook if you don’t understand something. This saves time and allows you to concentrate on what the lecturer or marking scheme wants.
Examining last year’s exam questions can help you prepare for your final exam in several ways:
- Familiarity with the exam format: Reviewing last year’s questions will give you an idea of the types of questions that the lecturer typically asks, the level of difficulty, and the exam format.
- Knowledge of key topics: Last year’s exam questions can give you a good idea of what topics are likely to be covered in the upcoming exam. This information will assist you in prioritising your study materials and focusing on the most important topics.
- Understanding the lecturer’s perspective: You can get a sense of what the lecturer thinks is important by reviewing the questions from last year’s exam. You’ll also notice how the lecturer frames the questions and the language they use.
You can get last year’s exam questions by doing the following:
- If the lecturer taught the same course last year, they may be able to provide you with a copy of the previous year’s exam.
- Check with your classmates: If you took the same course last year, one of your classmates may have a copy of the exam.
- Examine the archives of the faculty: Some professors keep old exams on file. Check with the registrar’s office or the faculty library to see if a copy of last year’s exam is available.
- Look online: There are websites that host previous exams for various courses. You can look up the course name, professor name, and “past exam” to see if any resources are available online.
Read each chapter from beginning to end.
Another time-saving tip is to read each chapter from beginning to end. The back of the chapter usually contains a summary of the entire chapter or a list of possible exam questions. Read the summary, highlight any key words you don’t understand, and work your way backwards. Answering the questions will also help you prepare for the exam.
To effectively use the back of each chapter in your textbook as a time-saving tool, follow these steps:
- Take a quick look at the chapter summary, key terms, and review questions before diving into the material. This will help you understand what to expect from the chapter.
- Skim the content: Read the section headings and subheadings, as well as the bolded or italicised words and phrases. This will provide you with an overview of the chapter’s content.
- Pay attention to the review section: Typically, the back of the chapter contains a review section with questions and answers, summaries, and key terms, particularly those stressed by the lecturer. This section is designed to reinforce your understanding of the material. Read it several times to ensure you understand each concept.
- Make a note of any areas that need to be revisited: Make a note of any questions or concepts you don’t understand and return to the chapter’s corresponding section to read more thoroughly.
- Test yourself: Use the review questions to assess your knowledge of the material. Try answering the questions without first looking at the answers, and then compare your answers to the ones in the review section.
Following these steps will allow you to effectively use the back of each chapter in your textbook as a time-saving study tool.
Frequent Regular Intensive Limited Sessions (FRILS).
Another study tip is to keep your sessions brief but intense. This technique, known as “Frequent Regular Intensive Limited Sessions (FRILS),” consists of short, intense study sessions separated by frequent breaks. For instance, if you want to study for eight hours, you could study for two hours, rest for 30 minutes, study for two hours, rest for two hours, study for two hours, rest for two hours, study for two hours, and take a three hour break. This allows you to get more rest and keep your stamina up for longer study sessions.
Follow these steps to effectively implement the FRILS technique:
- Plan your study sessions as follows: Determine how much time you want to devote to studying and divide it into shorter, more intense sessions.
- Set goals for each study session: Determine what you want to accomplish during each study session and ensure that you focus on those objectives throughout the session.
- Remove distractions: Find a quiet, distraction-free study environment. Turn off your phone and avoid checking social media or email.
- Take regular breaks and stick to the schedule you’ve established. This allows you to recharge and stay focused.
- Stay active: During breaks, engage in physical activities such as walking, stretching, or light exercise. This keeps you alert and reduces stress.
- Examine your progress: Evaluate your progress on a regular basis and make changes to your study plan as needed.
- Stay motivated by setting realistic goals: keeping track of your progress, and rewarding yourself for your accomplishments.
In conclusion, these study tips can help you improve your grades and prepare for exams. Don’t let stress and procrastination prevent you from succeeding. Use these suggestions to make the most of your study time.