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Stingless Bees as a Tool for University Students’ Cocurricular Activity Development

Presented at: ICoSD2023: International Conference on Student Development 2023
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Skudai, Malaysia, September 6-7, 2023


Stingless bees are a great educational tool in university extracurriculars. This study examines how stingless beekeeping workshops at the Residential College of Dato’ Onn Jaafar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, change student engagement, environmental consciousness, skill acquisition, and co-curricular activity perceptions. Our main objective was to assess the educational benefits of stingless beekeeping through a comprehensive workshop series on bee behavior and biology, beehive management, colony reproduction, honey production and harvesting, pollination, and sustainable beekeeping.

A collaboration with International Student Society was also formed. As the main methodology, the workshops integrated theory and practice aspects, starting with Dr. Mohd Amri Bin Md Yunus’ insightful introduction. This introduction was followed by hands-on beehive care and honey extraction, as well as an innovative collaborative planting exercise for stingless bees and stingless bee baiting process. Our study showed that stingless beekeeping workshops can change the students’ perceptions on cocurricular activity. These sessions showed students’ sustainability perceptions changed, supporting past findings. As a result of the workshop, an average 36% increase in students’ knowledge of stingless bee behavior and colony dynamics was observed, reinforcing the educational effectiveness of the stingless bee hive baiting activity.

Our study concludes that stingless beekeeping programmes improve student information retention, sustainable mindsets, and community cohesion. Environmentally responsible workshops transform education. Sustainable beekeeping is growing due to new technology and online platforms, proving that stingless bees may change educational paradigms and promote ecological care.

Introduction and Literature Review

At Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, the Residential College of Dato’ Onn Jaafar is surrounded by lush forests full of trees that naturally produce plant resins as well as wildflowers. We saw an opportunity to reintroduce native plants and animals due to this special environment. We have been gradually introducing stingless beehives into the KDOJ region since 2016. Currently, we care for 30 hives, mostly made up of Heterotrigona Itama species, but also including stingless Geniotrigona Thoracica and Tetrigona Binghami species. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)(Harianja et al., 2023), those related to achieving zero hunger, good health and well-being, clean water and sanitation, industry innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below the waterline, life on land, and Partnership for the Goals, are in line with this initiative. We have planted a variety of flowering plants to support the colonies of stingless bees in order to ensure the preservation of open areas around college areas. Additionally, we use alternative techniques like using stingless bee bait boxes and hive splitting or hive propagation techniques to establish KDOJ as a breeding ground for stingless bees. The reproduction of native plants is made easier by the important and effective pollination work done by stingless bees on crops. We have been a stingless bee farm education center for UTM students, employees, and the general public since 2016.

Stingless bees can be used as a tool to teach students about sustainability. Studies by (Forster, 2021; Maginnity, 2013) found that students who participated in a stingless beekeeping workshop were more likely to have a positive attitude towards sustainability. Students can learn about cooperation and teamwork by using stingless bees. Students who took part in a stingless beekeeping workshop were more likely to report feeling a sense of community and belonging, according to a study by (Aldasoro Maya et al., 2023). In order to give students a hands-on learning experience, stingless bees can be used. According to a study by (Reyes-González, Camou-Guerrero, Del-Val, Ramírez, & Porter-Bolland, 2020), people who took part in a stingless beekeeping learning whether formal or informal had a higher retention rate for the knowledge they learned about stingless bees.


In order to put together a stingless bee workshop at the Seminar Room, Kolej Dato’ Onn Jaafar (KDOJ), the International Students Council of Nigeria (ISC Nigeria) worked with the Residential College Council (RCC), KDOJ. ISC Nigeria made the request for this training at the beginning of September, 2020 because they wanted to learn more about stingless beehive harvesting. Additionally, Nigeria has a lot of potential for producing honey from stingless bees. Later meetings between RCC, KDOJ, and ISC Nigeria were held to ensure a well-organized workshop for the participants. There were 20 registered participants from the ISC Nigeria and the workshop was held to adhere the COVID pandemic-related safety procedures.

Through the teaching module with seven topics, the workshop covered both theoretical and practical aspects of stingless beehives. Dr. Mohd Amri Bin Md Yunus gave an overview of stingless bees in the first session at the seminar room as shown in Figure 1, which was divided into four sessions with breaks in between. The second session concentrated on providing each participant with practical instruction in beehive harvesting, giving them firsthand experience with honey extraction from the hives as shown in Figure 2. The participants also got to sample some fresh honey straight from the hives. The students participated in a unique activity where they planted multiple Syzygium aqueum (watery rose-apple) plants together. Then, the students underwent hands on activities of stingless bee bating process. The workshop’s participants expressed great satisfaction at its conclusion and emphasized their desire for additional runs of it. The stingless beekeeping workshop topics include the ones listed below:

  • Behavior and Biology of Stingless Bees,
  • Techniques for Managing Beehives,
  • Colony reproduction, growth, and bee baiting process,
  • Production and Harvesting Techniques for Honey,
  • Stingless Bees’ Pollination Function,
  • Conservation and Preservation of Stingless Bee Habitats through Sustainable Stingless Beekeeping.

Figure 1. Delivering the workshop syllabus in the seminar session

Figure 2. Practical training of stingless bee extraction and explanation at the farm

Pre-workshop and post-workshop assessments were conducted to evaluate students’ knowledge and understanding of stingless bee colony behavior. Prior to the workshop activity, students completed a pre-workshop assessment, and after participating in the activity and guided observation of an experienced beekeeper, they underwent a post-workshop assessment. These assessments aimed to measure the impact of the workshop on students’ knowledge and comprehension of stingless bee colony dynamics. Each “Yes” answer results a point and some sample questions for both the pre-workshop and post-workshop assessments formatted as “Yes/No” questions are as the following:

Pre-Workshop Yes/No Questions:

  1. Do you currently have knowledge about stingless bee colony behaviour and reproduction? (Yes/No)
  2. Can you identify at least three distinguishing features of stingless bees? (Yes/No)
  3. Are you aware of the role of stingless bees in pollination and their importance in ecological systems? (Yes/No)
  4. Have you ever participated in hands-on beekeeping activities before? (Yes/No)
  5. Are you looking forward to learning more about stingless bees through this workshop? (Yes/No)

Post-Workshop Yes/No Questions:

  1. After the workshop, can you describe the key stages involved in the reproduction of stingless bee colonies? (Yes/No)
  2. Were you able to list the unique anatomical features of stingless bees discussed during the activity? (Yes/No)
  3. Do you now understand the significance of stingless bees in pollination and their role in supporting ecological balance? (Yes/No)
  4. Did the hands-on experience with bee colony baiting allow you to observe bee behaviour? (Yes/No)
  5. Has your understanding of stingless bee behaviour and reproduction changed as a result of the workshop? (Yes/No)

In addition to serving as an education center for UTM students, staff, and the public, the Residential College of Dato’ Onn Jaafar (KDOJ) has also welcomed undergraduate students visiting as part of their assignment on co-curriculum entrepreneurship as shown in Figure 3. These visits provide an opportunity for students to gain practical insights into stingless beekeeping and its potential as a business venture. By incorporating these visits, KDOJ aims to promote entrepreneurship and inspire students to explore sustainable business opportunities related to stingless bees and their products.

Figure 3. Undergraduates’ students visit for Co-curriculum entrepreneur subject’s assignment

Results and Findings: Learning Outcome from the Stingless Bees Workshop Activities

Through engagement in this educational endeavor, students will acquire a more profound understanding of insects, specifically focusing on stingless bees and their distinctive anatomical features. In the preliminary evaluation conducted before to the workshop, it was observed that the mean percentage of accurate identification of distinguishing features of insects among students was 60%. These features encompassed attributes such as possessing six legs, three body segments, an exoskeleton, and antennae. However, after the training, the post-workshop assessment revealed a substantial increase in this percentage, reaching 92%. The presented model of a stingless bee will facilitate students in acquiring the ability to discern and recognize the significant anatomical components of this arthropod, including the pollen baskets situated on their legs, which serve the purpose of conveying pollen and resin back to their hives. During the pre-workshop assessment, it was found that a mere 30% of students accurately articulated the purpose of pollen baskets. Following the workshop, an impressive 85% of students exhibited a comprehensive comprehension of this aspect, as evidenced by the post-workshop assessment. By doing a comprehensive analysis of stingless bees and other arthropods, students will acquire significant knowledge about the natural environment, so augmenting their scientific comprehension and fostering a deeper appreciation for the multitude of life forms present in their immediate vicinity. The workshop’s effective implementation has been acknowledged, leading to the development of a series of YouTube films for future reference. These movies can be accessed through the source provided by (Yunus, 2020).

At least once a year, typically during flowering, it is necessary to divide overgrown bee colonies, or this may occur naturally. In order to adequately equip students for this situation, it is advisable to present the technique of stingless bee hive baiting, which is a method employed for the reproduction of stingless bee colonies. Prior to engaging in the hive baiting exercise, students were required to undertake a pre-workshop evaluation in order to assess their understanding of bee colony behavior and the process of reproduction. In the present evaluation, a significant majority of students, specifically 75%, exhibited a restricted comprehension pertaining to the phenomenon of bee swarming and the intricate life cycles associated with colonies of stingless bees. The act of capturing the hive affords pupils a distinctive opportunity to see the internal mechanisms of a colony, rendering it a commendable educational encounter. Educational institutions that provide student housing facilities and extracurricular learning centres can organize educational sessions where students can witness a seasoned beekeeper engaging in the practice of bee colony baiting. During this educational endeavor, students will be provided with the opportunity to get an understanding of the phenomenon of bee swarming and the life cycles of a nascent stingless bee colony until it reaches full maturity. Following their engagement in a practical hive baiting exercise and a supervised observation session led by a seasoned beekeeper, the students underwent a subsequent evaluation. According to the results of the post-workshop assessment, a significant majority of students, specifically 95%, exhibited a deep comprehension of many aspects related to bee behavior, colony dynamics, and the crucial role played by stingless bees in maintaining ecological equilibrium. Through active engagement in this experiential exercise, students not only acquired a more profound comprehension of bee behavior and the intricate dynamics within colonies, but also cultivated a profound admiration for the indispensable contribution of stingless bees in upholding ecological equilibrium. Consequently, this activity constitutes a valuable augmentation to their extracurricular pursuits within the university setting. In addition, scholars get the opportunity to observe the procedure of colony baiting as described by Yunus (2022). (Yunus, 2022).

Table 1 summarizes the pre-workshop and post-workshop assessment. The data analysis reveals the substantial impact of the workshop on student learning. Across various activities, such as identifying distinguishing features of insects, recognizing the anatomical components of stingless bees, and participating in stingless bee hive baiting exercises, students demonstrated remarkable progress. The pre-workshop assessment scores indicated an average increase of 36%, with significant improvements observed in each activity. Notably, students displayed a 32% increase in identifying features of insects, a remarkable 55% increase in recognizing stingless bee anatomy, and a commendable 20% improvement in the stingless bee hive baiting exercise. These findings underscore the workshop’s effectiveness in enhancing students’ knowledge and practical skills in the fascinating realm of stingless bee biology and behavior.

Table 1. Pre-workshop and post-workshop assessment

In addition, students who came for a study visit learned about the technologies involved in the cultivation of stingless bees, and their video reports are available on YouTube (Yunus, 2023). The first technology is the Electronic Meliponini Advanced System (EMAS)(Anuar et al., 2019; Anuar, Yunus, Baharudin, Ibrahim, & Sahlan, 2021; Anuar et al., 2023), which can be downloaded easily from the Google Play Store or accessed as a web application at and the front page is shown on figure 4(a). EMAS enables farmers to record information about their stingless bee hives, retrieves the relevant data from a database, and displays it on graphs and pages that are more farmer-friendly as shown in Figure 4(b). The apps allow users to choose between manually inserted data and IoT-inserted data. IoT data are data that are routinely inserted into applications using embedded hardware and sensors. Ability to evaluate the significance of temperature, humidity, and weight. All information is displayed graphically and can be evaluated in real time.

Figure 4. EMAS user (a) dashboard view (b) graph view

The second technology is a on how to construct an efficient stingless bee honey extraction system using a vacuum compressor and an integrated solar power system and can be vie from YouTube video(Yunus, 2021). The third technology is a stingless bee honey dehydrator system(Abid et al., 2019), and the dehydrator is a system that can reduce the water percentage of stingless bee honey by controlling the drying process with temperature, drying air speed, relative humidity, and an optimized honey exposure surface using a microcontroller. The student is then introduced to Mytradebee, an online marketplace accessible at Mytradebee is a platform where stingless bee farmers can connect with potential buyers around the globe and post-free advertisements. Whether you are an experienced or novice stingless beekeeper, this online marketplace offers a variety of products and resources to assist in this fascinating field. Mytradebee can list everything from honey and other bee products to colonies and beekeeping equipment. In addition to all this technology, we have a blog website, that highlights the latest news, scientific discoveries, advice, and articles. Additionally, the blog website features a forum where users can pose questions about native bees as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Blog website,


Since 2016, the initiative to reintroduce native plants and animals (stingless bees) encircling the Dato’ Onn Jaafar (KDOJ) Residential College at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has resulted in the gradual introduction of stingless beekeeping. The cultivation of stingless bees in this unique environment has not only contributed to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable practices, but has also become an invaluable educational resource for students. Students have acquired practical knowledge of beekeeping techniques and the significance of stingless bees in promoting sustainability through workshops and field trips. Participation in seminars on stingless beekeeping fosters positive attitudes toward sustainability, instills a sense of community and belonging, and improves knowledge retention, according to studies. In conclusion, the significant 36% increase in students’ knowledge of stingless bee behavior and colony dynamics, observed as a result of the workshop, underscores the valuable educational impact of our stingless beekeeping initiatives. Electronic Meliponini Advanced System (EMAS) and other innovative technologies have improved beekeeping by supplying farmers with valuable data and enhancing honey production processes. Mytradebee’s introduction as an online marketplace has facilitated global connections between farmers of stingless bees, thereby fostering sustainable beekeeping as a viable business venture. The effort continues to emphasize the most recent news, scientific findings, tips, and articles on stingless bees by disseminating information through a dedicated blog and video resources. The blog’s forum also provides a venue for users to discuss and ask questions about native beekeeping. The initiative at KDOJ has demonstrated the significance of stingless bees in maintaining ecological balance, nurturing a greater appreciation for the natural world among students, faculty, and the broader community. The university’s dedication to promoting co-curricular learning, entrepreneurship, and sustainable practices through stingless beekeeping serves as an exemplary model for other academic institutions. The journey of stingless beekeeping at the Residential College of Dato’ Onn Jaafar at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia demonstrates how an environmentally conscious approach, combined with innovative technologies and educational efforts, can create a thriving and sustainable ecosystem while equipping students with essential knowledge and skills for a more sustainable future.


Abid, A., Yunus, M. A. M., Sahlan, S., Ramli, M. M., Amin, M. R. A., Lotpi, Z. F. M., & Anuar, N. H. K. (2019). An Optimized Honey Dehydration System with Drying Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Control. Paper presented at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS).

Aldasoro Maya, E. M., Rodríguez Robles, U., Martínez Gutiérrez, M. L., Chan Mutul, G. A., Avilez López, T., Morales, H., . . . Mérida Rivas, J. A. (2023). Stingless bee keeping: Biocultural conservation and agroecological education. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2022.1081400

Anuar, N. H. K., Yunus, M. A. M., Baharuddin, M. A., Sahlan, S., Abid, A., Ramli, M. M., . . . Lotpi, Z. F. M. (2019). Iot platform for precision stingless bee farming. Paper presented at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS).

Anuar, N. H. K., Yunus, M. A. M., Baharudin, M. A., Ibrahim, S., & Sahlan, S. (2021). Embedded wireless stingless beehive monitoring and data management system. Paper presented at the 2021 IEEE International Conference in Power Engineering Application (ICPEA).

Anuar, N. H. K., Yunus, M. A. M., Baharudin, M. A., Ibrahim, S., Sahlan, S., Hashem, M. Y. B., & Siddique, M. A. (2023). Data management system of IoT for stingless bee monitoring. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings.

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Maginnity, S. (2013). Using stingless bees as an educational tool in Australian schools. In V. P. R. DW (Ed.), Stingless bees process honey and pollen in cerumen pots (pp. 1-4). Venezuela: Facultad de Farmacia y Bioanálisis, Universidad de Los Andes; Mérida.

Reyes-González, A., Camou-Guerrero, A., Del-Val, E., Ramírez, M. I., & Porter-Bolland, L. (2020). Biocultural diversity loss: The decline of native stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) and local ecological knowledge in Michoacán, Western México. Human Ecology, 48, 411-422.

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